At Pat Downes request we met with John Rhodes (Director of OKC Public Works) today. Basically we wanted to find out if there was any clear cut reason why this project can't proceed. Fortunately, there are none. But there are some challenges ahead. So, we'll be working with Pat to get the materials necessary for a September River Trust meeting. There, we will:
- present the reasons to have REP (wwparks.com) to compose a feasibility study
- provide half of the funds required to hire REP (approx. $3500)—make your contributions
- present a petition of paddlers in the area who want this project to happen
I found out some interesting information about the 2 days “Horton’s Hole” was running this summer. The level of the pond created by the May Ave. (Damn 3) was lowered for work that was being done at the Dell site. Therefore, when they were filling it back up at 2000+CFS there was a pour over. Normally Damn 3 maintains a higher water level at “Horton’s Hole” and it is flat water all the way to Overholser. This higher level is necessary for the Water Taxi’s that city will be operating starting in 07’. This seems to me to create an added engineering challenge, but that’s why we will pay the big bucks for the smart people to rub their chins and such.
We will next meet with the Director of Water Resources to discuss the viability of scheduled Overholser dam releases if this project were to be built.
On another OKC whitewater potential note: the Deep Fork river (creek) that runs through the city has a lot of good potential sites for fun (and death if we’re not careful). Has anyone heard about people running this? I need some help clearing strainers, and rebar. If you have a chain saw, or are willing to help clear out the river bed in a few spots let me know.
I’ve attached a photo of a 4 foot pour over just below Western Ave.