July 8, 2005
OKC White Water Park – Meeting Minutes
Matthew Woodson
Amanda Alewine
Kirby Junge
Pat Downes, Oklahoma River Trust
We met today to discuss the steps needed to get a white water park built in OKC. Item discussed:
· Mr. Downes strongly suggest that when we decide to present this idea to the full Oklahoma River Trust, which meets monthly, we have two things:
o $3,250 - $4,000 of the $6,500 fee charged by REP to do a feasibility study
o Lists of people and organizations which we use the facility, the more the better
· Mr. Downes believes that the best site for a white water park would be at “Horton’s Hole” which is located between Meridian and Macarthur. This would avoid possible conflicts with the Indian center, and that there is nothing there yet. Mr. Woodson believes that this site would also require a lower construction cost
· There are other groups, Disc (Frisbee) Golf, and remote control boaters who are interested using the city property, which is just north of “Horton’s Hole”; Mr. Woodson will make contact with group to discuss possibilities of working together
· To assist with raising funds, Mike Knopp, of the Boat House, a 501C3, will inquire about using their organization as a way to make contributions tax deducible. They would then provide the check to City when we present the proposal
· American Whitewater has been contacted and is willing to forward a request from us to it’s members. We will ask people to give us their contact information, state that they would most likely visit a whitewater park in OKC, ask for financial contributions. Mr. Woodson will also contact ACA and ACC
· A 501C3 probably should be formed, or use an existing one, which will concentrate it’s efforts on raising funds for construction of a park
· Prior to presenting before the River Trust we will need to provide Mr. Downes with background information. This information will be compiled by Mr. Junge
· OKC has an engineering firm “on-call” which could expedite the process of hiring REP, this engineering firm will need to be contracted by the city (to avoid a several month bidding process) and act as administrator, they will then hire REP
· The cities liability in a whitewater park accident is negated by a State law, same as accidents taking place at the skate park
· Boat registration is an issue that will need to be addressed at the State level
All ideas are welcome.